Making a Datomic system GDPR-compliant
- Background: about the GDPR
- Datomic Excision, and its limitations
- Proposed solution: complementing Datomic with an erasure-aware key/value store
- Reclaiming power
- Writing
- Querying
- Solution A: tagging keys
- Solution B: replacing keys at explicit paths
- Solution C: using graph data access layers
- Querying and transacting by value
- Solution A: Hash-based equality and uniqueness
- Solution B: Adding indexes to PrivateDataStore
- Solution C: Searching in Materialized Views
- Mocking and forking
- Migrating an existing system
- Experience report

There have been some concerns in the Datomic community lately that the soon-to-be-enforced EU General Data Protection Regulation would force many businesses give up on using Datomic, due to its lack of practical ways of erasing data. This post describes an approach to eliminate these concerns, and how to implement it in practice (this may turn into a library someday). I'm happy to say that at BandSquare we've been able to apply these ideas to our entire system in a matter of days.
TL;DR: For cases where Datomic Excision is not a viable way to achieve GDPR-compliance, we avoid storing privacy-sensitive data in Datomic by storing it as values in a complementary, domain-agnostic Key/Value-store, while having the keys referenced from Datomic. To our surprise, we've found that this approach preserves almost all of the architectural advantages of Datomic, while requiring relatively little additional effort, thanks to the generic data manipulation capabilities of Datomic and Clojure.
I'm also using this post as an opportunity to experiment with a new way of writing: giving exercises to the reader, which is something I quite appreciate in learning resources. Feedback welcome on that too.
DISCLAIMER: this article is not legal advice; its goal is to give you options, not to tell you what you're supposed to do.
Background: about the GDPR
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a data-privacy regulation which was approved by the EU Parliament in April 2016, and will be enforced starting from May 25, 2018. It concerns not just EU companies, but also any company which holds private data of EU citizens.
Among other things, the GDPR mandates that companies apply the Right to be Forgotten, which implies:
- having the ability to erase all personal data of a person upon request,
- in many cases, erasing any personal data after a certain retention period (typically 3 to 5 years)
Datomic Excision, and its limitations
One fundamental principle of Datomic is that information is always only accumulated, never modified / deleted; this is great for building robust information systems quickly, but is directly in conflict with GDPR's Right to be Forgotten.
Because making exceptions to this principle is sometimes necessary, Datomic has long provided a way to erase data: Excision. However, using Excision can be very costly in performance and therefore operationnally constraining, as it can trigger massive rewrites of Datomic indexes. For this reason, the Datomic team themselves recommend that Excision should be used very infrequently.
This implies that Datomic Excision may not be a practical solution for all businesses, especially businesses that process a lot of consumer data, and especially for use cases where personal data has a limited retention period, which means that data erasure is no longer an exceptional event.
What's more, at the time of writing, Excision is not supported on Datomic Cloud.
Proposed solution: complementing Datomic with an erasure-aware key/value store
In cases where Excision is not a viable solution, the solution I've come up with is store to privacy-sensitive values in a complementary, mutable KV store, and referencing the corresponding keys from Datomic.
So instead of this:
... you want this:
Of course, this PrivateDataStore needs an API, preferrably a simple one. At a minimum, the operations we need are:
- Adding a value to the store,
- Looking up a previously-stored value by its key,
- Erasing the value at a key.
To make things more explicit, let's represent this API as a Java interface:
import java.util.UUID;
public interface PrivateDataStore<V> {
* Adds a value to this PrivateDataStore,
* returning the generated key.
* @param v the value to store.
* @return the key generated for this value, a UUID.
UUID addValue(V v);
* Looks-up a key in this PrivateDataStore,
* returning the (potentially) found value
* wrapped in a LookupResult.
* @param k the key to look up, which should have been returned by addValue().
* @return the corresponding LookupResult.
LookupResult<V> lookupKey(UUID k);
interface LookupResult<V>{
LookupStatus status();
V value();
enum LookupStatus {
* Erases the value at the supplied key.
* @param k
void eraseValue(UUID k);
What's important to notice here is that this store is completely generic: it knows nothing about our domain (we're not migrating our user data from Datomic to a User Table; we're just migrating the values).
Exercise 1: write an in-memory implementation of PrivateDataStore
in Clojure.
Improvement: the above interface is a bit naïve, as it is likely to suffer from the N+1 problem. To improve performance, you will probably want to make the reads and writes in batches (for example by bundling the inputs and outputs in lists of tuples), and potentially in a non-blocking fashion (for instance by using Manifold Deferreds).
Exercise 2.a: Design a batching version of PrivateDataStore
in Clojure. Define a Clojure protocol BatchingPrivateDataStore
for it, and write Clojure Specs for it.
Exercise 2.b: Write a PostgreSQL-based implementation of BatchingPrivateDataStore
. Hint: JSONB is probably the easiest way to represent batches of composite inputs in PostgreSQL.
Reclaiming power
Theoretically, this is all we need to store privacy-sensitive data; but of course, compared to a Datomic-only system, our application code has just lost a lot of expressive power, since there are now 2 data stores to interact with, including one which has a much less expressive API than Datomic. Surprisingly, a lot of that power can be reclaimed with just a few generic helpers, by leveraging Clojure's generic data manipulation capabilities.
Problem: In pure Datomic, writes are defined as plain data structures, which is great, as they can be constructed from many independent parts, conveyed to arbitrary locations, and executed downstream.
We have lost this property with our PrivateDataStore
API, which is defined in term of calling side-effectful functions.
Solution: We can still construct writes as pure data, by using a new data type to wrap privacy-sensitive values, e.g:
(def tx-data
"A trasaction which adds Sam Bagwell to our user base"
[{:db/id "new-user"
:user/id #uuid"cb8d5391-b6b8-451c-95f5-719257ed4e93"
:user/email--k #privacy/private-value ["" 0]
:user/first-name--k #privacy/private-value ["Sam" 1]
:user/last-name--k #privacy/private-value ["Bagwell" 2]
:user/subscribed-at #inst "2018"}])
We can then use a generic function to execute such "extended" transactions:
(privacy-helpers/transact-async private-data-store conn tx-data)
Exercise 3.a: define a new data type for wrapping such values. Then, write a generic function (replace-private-values private-data-store v)
, which must:
- collect wrapped values from the nested data structure
, - add them to the
(you may assume a batching interface as defined in Exercise 2.a), - replace the wrapped values by the corresponding generated keys in
Hint: use Specter's walker
Exercise 3.b: Using the above-defined replace-private-values
, implement privacy-helpers/transact-async
, which must return a similar value to datomic.api/transact-async
Problem: we can still query Datomic with the usual APIs (Datalog, Pull API, Entity API), but we have no out-of-the-box way of replacing the PrivateDataStore
keys with their values when necessary (Note: it may not be necessary very often).
Solution A: tagging keys
In some cases, we can use a similar strategy as above for writes: tagging PrivateDataStore
keys, then using a generic function on the query results which fetches the values and replaces the keys. This can be make easier by using a generic Datalog rule to tag keys; here's an example:
'[:find ?user ?id ?email-k ?last-name-k
:in % $ [?user ...]
[?user :user/id ?id]
(read-private-key ?user :user/email--k ?email-k)
(read-private-key ?user :user/last-name--k ?last-name-k)]
;; A generic Datalog rule for tagging PrivateDataStore values, using Clojure Tagged Literals
'[[(read-private-key [?e ?a] ?tagged-k)
[?e ?a ?k]
[(clojure.core/tagged-literal 'privacy/key ?k) ?tagged-k]]]
[[:user/id #uuid"cb8d5391-b6b8-451c-95f5-719257ed4e93"]
[:user/id #uuid"2abbd931-4cfa-47f0-abe4-ffd57c944999"]])
=> #{[100 #uuid"cb8d5391-b6b8-451c-95f5-719257ed4e93" #privacy/key #uuid"fb23991a-d7c7-4850-9735-904345325281" #privacy/key #uuid"348f0967-c2d5-45d5-8dbc-a562f75bbbd6"]
[101 #uuid"2abbd931-4cfa-47f0-abe4-ffd57c944999" #privacy/key #uuid"60dce0c1-0258-4e20-91a2-3e0a4f20f0d8" #privacy/key #uuid"3a180f2e-f1c5-48aa-be0b-09c088ed023d"]}
(privacy-helpers/replace-tagged-keys private-data-store {:when-erased "(deleted)"} *1)
=> #{[100 #uuid"cb8d5391-b6b8-451c-95f5-719257ed4e93" "" "Doe"]
[101 #uuid"2abbd931-4cfa-47f0-abe4-ffd57c944999" "(deleted)" "(deleted)"]}
Exercise 4: Implement the privacy-helpers/replace-tagged-keys
function. Hint: use Specter's walker
Solution B: replacing keys at explicit paths
The above Solution A is very generic, and has the advantage of being completely decoupled from queries. However, it is not always viable, because we don't always have enough control on the production of query results for tagging keys, for example when using the Pull API. In such cases, we will need a little more knowledge of the data shape of the query results.
Extracting values from an Entity
First, it can be useful to have a function which extract some values from an entity into a map, for instance:
(def user-data
{:user/id #uuid"cb8d5391-b6b8-451c-95f5-719257ed4e93"
:user/email--k #uuid"fb23991a-d7c7-4850-9735-904345325281"
:user/first-name--k #uuid"e6f7ac4e-70a3-4427-9d5a-93488adc134a"
:user/last-name--k #uuid"348f0967-c2d5-45d5-8dbc-a562f75bbbd6"
:user/subscribed-at #inst"2018-04-23T15:04:10.674-00:00"})
{:user/email {:from-key :user/email--k
:when-erased "(deleted)"}
:user/first-name {:from-key :user/first-name--k
:when-erased "(deleted)"}}
=> {:user/email ""
:user/first-name "John"}
Replacing privacy keys at arbitrary paths
Exercise 5: Implement the privacy-helpers/private-values-into-map
function. It should accept a map as well as a Datomic Entity as an input.
The above solution can be enough for basic use cases, but falls short when dealing with nested collections, as returned by the Pull API for example. In such cases, a more powerful approach is to replace PrivateDataStore
keys at explicit paths, using the Specter library:
(require '[com.rpl.specter :as sp])
;; raw Pull:
{:blog.comment/_post [:blog.comment/id
{:blog.comment/author [:user/id
[ "21412312113"])
=> { "21412312113" "Why GDPR matters"
:blog.comment/_post [{:blog.comment/id 324242423222
:blog.comment/title "I agree!"
:blog.comment/author {:user/id #uuid"cb8d5391-b6b8-451c-95f5-719257ed4e93"
:user/email--k #uuid"fb23991a-d7c7-4850-9735-904345325281"
:user/subscribed-at #inst"2018-04-23T15:04:10.674-00:00"}}
{:blog.comment/id 324242423223
:blog.comment/title "I disagree!"
:blog.comment/author {:user/id #uuid"2abbd931-4cfa-47f0-abe4-ffd57c944999"
:user/email--k #uuid"60dce0c1-0258-4e20-91a2-3e0a4f20f0d8"
:user/subscribed-at #inst"2017-07-07T00:00:00.000-00:00"}}]}
;; Transforming the result to replace PrivateDataStore keys:
[:blog.comment/_post sp/ALL :blog.comment/author]
{:user/email {:from-key :user/email--k
:when-erased "(deleted)"}}
=> { "21412312113" "Why GDPR matters"
:blog.comment/_post [{:blog.comment/id 324242423222
:blog.comment/title "I agree!"
:blog.comment/author {:user/id #uuid"cb8d5391-b6b8-451c-95f5-719257ed4e93"
:user/email ""
:user/subscribed-at #inst"2018-04-23T15:04:10.674-00:00"}}
{:blog.comment/id 324242423223
:blog.comment/title "I disagree!"
:blog.comment/author {:user/id #uuid"2abbd931-4cfa-47f0-abe4-ffd57c944999"
:user/email "(deleted)"
:user/subscribed-at #inst"2017-07-07T00:00:00.000-00:00"}}]}
Exercise 6: implement the privacy-helpers/replace-private-entries-at-path
function. You may assume a batching API for looking up PrivateDataStore keys, as defined in Exercise 2.a.
Solution C: using graph data access layers
Finally, another solution for resolving privacy-sensitive values is to make it part of the data-fetching logic of a Graph API, e.g in a GraphQL resolver or Fulcro parser. In particular, a Graph API server can be a good alternative to Datomic Pull (for other reasons than the GDPR!).
Querying and transacting by value
The approach we have described so far does not cover cases when we want to query by value, for instance:
- Find the user whose
- Create a user account for email
, failing if one already exists - Find users in the database whose
is something like"Doe"
Use case 2.
is especially challenging, because it must be part of a transaction, and is therefore likely to happen in the Transactor where calling our PrivateDataStore
won't be an option.
Solution A: Hash-based equality and uniqueness
For the many cases where strict equality is acceptable, querying by value can be done via hashed values, which can be indexed in Datomic without exposing sensitive information.
Continuing with our :user/email
example, we can add a string-typed, indexed :user/email–hash
attribute, which values are computed e.g by securely hashing then base64-encoding the emails of the users. This solves our use cases 1.
and 2.
mentioned above.
If you don't know what library to use for hashing, I recommend buddy-core.
Solution B: Adding indexes to PrivateDataStore
For non-transactional reads, another strategy is to add a 'search by value' operation in our PrivateDataStore
For instance, we could modify our PrivateDataStore
interface to the following:
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.UUID;
public interface PrivateDataStore<V> {
* Adds a value to this PrivateDataStore,
* returning the generated key.
* @param v the value to store.
* @param indexName the name of the index referencing v,
* or null if v is not to be indexed.
* @return the key generated for this value, a UUID.
UUID addValue(V v, String indexName); // NOTE modified
* Searches for keys matching a given value in a given index.
* @param indexName the name of the index in which the value
* was potentially added
* @param searchV the value to search for
* @return the (potentially empty) list of keys
* referencing searchV in indexName.
Collection<UUID> searchByValue (String indexName, V searchV); // NOTE new operation
// the other operations remain the same
// [...]
You could also imagine adding options to make the search fuzzy, etc.
Solution C: Searching in Materialized Views
It is common practice for modern information systems to evolve so that their storage is divided into 2 categories:
- A System of Records, which acts as a source of truth and supports transactional writes.
- Materialized Views, which are data stores specialized in certain query patterns, containing data which is derived from the System of Records.
It is unusually easy to set up this sort of architecture with Datomic acting as the System of Records, because the Log API makes it almost trivial to detect changes in the source of truth and update the Materialized Views accordingly.
For instance, you could use the Log API to periodically (or continuously) keep an ElasticSearch index of users documents up-to-date; as privacy-sensitive fields get erased from the PrivateDataStore
, they will also get automatically erased from the ElasticSearch documents. You then have all the power of ElasticSearch to search customers by their privacy-sensitive fields, with the only caveat that this search will only be eventually consistent with your System of Records (this is usually acceptable; note that even in Datomic, fulltext indexes are eventually consistent).
Mocking and forking
The problem: in my opinion, a lot of Datomic's leverage comes from its ability to do some speculative work, then discard it. This leads to the powerful notion of forking Datomic connections in-memory, which can for instance be applied to easily write system-level tests, and safely dry-run migrations and patches to the database. We'd like to preserve the ability to fork our entire database, which is now a composite of Datomic and our PrivateDataStore
It turns out it's fairly straightforward to write an in-memory implementation of PrivateDataStore
which consists of forking a source PrivateDataStore
, by adding and erasing values locally, and forwarding reads to the source PrivateDataStore
. You can also choose to only erase locally and add remotely; because the generated keys are UUIDs, there is no real potential for conflict; this can be desirable e.g for staging environments.
Exercise 7.a: write a ForkedPrivateDataStore
in-memory implementation of PrivateDataStore
which is constructed from an existing implementation, and use it to define a fork operation on PrivateDataStore
Exercise 7.b: write an in-memory implementation of PrivateDataStore
based on ForkedPrivateDataStore
Migrating an existing system
If you have an existing system with privacy-sensitive attributes, you will not only need to change the code using the above-described techniques, but also perform a data migration, preferrably with no or little downtime. At the end, the privacy-sensitive values must have been migrated to your PrivateDataStore
, and erased from your Datomic system.
I recommend taking the following steps to allow for a smooth transition:
- Install the new attributes (e.g
) on your production system. - Deploy of new version of your code which will write to both the old and new attributes (e.g
), but read only from the old attributes (e.g:user/email
). Having done this, the set of datoms which still have to be migrated will only ever be shrinking. - As an offline job, extract the datoms of the old attributes which need to be migrated (example here), write their values to the
, then gradually transact the generated keys into the new attributes (you may want to use a transaction function to make sure you don't write keys for outdated values, example here) - Deploy a new version of your code which now writes to and reads from the new attributes (e.g
), and no longer uses the old attributes at all (e.g:user/email
). - Erase the values of the old attributes. This may not always be trivial, so see the next section for the details of how to do that.
Note that this approach will eventually yield a valid present value of the database, but will not update history to add the new attributes. I can imagine ways of adding the new attributes to the history, but I won't describe them here, because I don't want to encourage you in this direction: as I've said before, your application code should not rely on history.
Erasing legacy attributes
Datomic Excision is the preferred way to erase values from Datomic, but is not always a viable option:
- At the time of writing, Excision is not available on Datomic Cloud.
- Excision will not erase the fulltext indices for
attributes. - Excision can trigger massive online index rewrites, which can have a significant performance impact and effectively make you system unavailable for writes for some time.
For such cases, there is an alternative to Excision for erasing data from your system: see this Gist.
Experience report
To give you an idea about the context in which we applied these ideas:
- BandSquare is a SaaS platform which provides businesses with insights about their audiences and new ways to interact with them
- Both business-facing and consumer-facing
- With a broad spectrum of technical challenges, from Web / UX to Analytics and data exploration
- BandSquare's backend is a 2-years old, 35 kLoC Clojure system
- which uses (mostly) Datomic as the System of Records, and (mostly) ElasticSearch as a Materialized View
- about 35M datoms in over 400 attributes
I was pleasantly suprised by how few places privacy-sensitive attributes appeared in: mostly signup/login, some transaction emails, ETL, some logging and search. The vast majority of the advanced business logic simply didn't touch them.
The main leverage we have gotten since adopting Datomic (and Clojure along with that) has been ease of testing, a productive interactive workflow, decoupled querying, agile information modeling, ease of debugging, and last but not least the ease of setting up derived data systems. See this article for a more in-depth description. These benefits have not significantly degraded since adopting this PrivateDataStore
The main regression compared to the previous architecture was the loss of code/data locality in some places, which was alleviated by using batching reads. Specter was instrumental in achieving clean, generic solutions to these problems, not just by bringing expressive power, but also by bringing the right abstractions.
More generally, the generic data manipulation facilities of both Clojure (via its data structures) and Datomic (via its universal, reified schema) were very useful for getting the migration done with a little, generic, well-tested code rather than a lot of application-specific code scattered all across the codebase. Namespaced keys were very helpful to refactor reliably: its a great situation to be able to track all the places where a piece of information is used across the whole stack with just one text search.
The amount of code we had to add to implement these ideas in this post is about 1200 LoC: this includes PostgreSQL and in-memory implementations of something akin to PrivateDataStore
, generic helpers, and about 400 LoC of tests. It did take some trial and error to get the abstractions right; hopefully this is a work you will not have to do having read this post.