Using Datomic in your app: a practical guide

July 24, 2016

Schema rigidity, N+1 problem, impedance mismatch, remote querying, consistency... Datomic eliminates many of the biggest problems of traditional databases. That's how I like to pick technologies: to solve the hard problems for me and leave me the easy ones. I have been using Datomic professionally for over 8 months now, and I can testify that it's given me a tremendous boost in productivity and quality, even for ordinary web development tasks.

However, because Datomic is so different from other databases, and because its young ecosystem still lacks convention, it's taken me some time and thought (at least a week) to come up with an architecture that is practical and lets me leverage its special powers. My hope is that by reading this post, you'll be able to get started more quickly.

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Application architecture with Datomic: branching reality

January 3, 2016

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A bottom-up approach to state in Reagent

September 16, 2015

In this post, I'll present an alternative way of managing state in Reagent applications to what is currently made popular by libraries like Re-frame.


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Productive Git setup

September 6, 2015

When getting started with Git, you don't always know there exist some trick to make you more productive with it. Here are a few, most of which are already in the official documentation.

Installing autocompletion

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Having a good terminal console on OS X in 2015

September 6, 2015

As a programmer, your terminal console is part of your everyday life. That's where you launch your local server, start your database, see your heroku logs, try out that mysterious command you found on some forum, etc. Don't try to escape it; instead, learn to master it and make it comfortable enough that you feel at home using it.

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